About Steven's Hope Fund

Poverty and childhood hunger can have a devastating effect on the ability of children to learn and achieve.
Our goal is to provide goods, services, and funds for the benefit of children in Scioto, Adams, and Pike County who have financial needs.
Some examples of what we provide include food, clothing, coats, shoes, school supplies, college entrance exam and ACT/SAT fees, lab fees, field trip/excursion fees, tutoring, limited eye or dental exams & treatment.
"And we, who with unveiled faces reflect the Lord's glory, are continually being transformed into His likeness..."
II corinthians 3:18
About Steven A. Hunter
Steven loved his family, his parents, and his brother. He was fiercely loyal to his family, his country, and our God. He was and believed in being involved in our government. His strong moral compass and Christian principles were at the core of his beliefs. He did not differentiate between spiritual, political, and social conscience as many seem to do in our present society.
Steven worked as an intern for our local government in Washington the summer of 2005. He aspired to be an attorney as his profession. He felt he could help people in that capacity as well as help defend the rights of Christians.
Even with these ambitious goals, Steven wanted a simple life, enjoying all God’s creation. He fell in love with eastern Tennessee while attending college at Milligan.